1. | M13 |
“Rajković R.,Zrnić N., Bojić S., Stakić Đ.(2016): Role of Cargo Weight and Volume: Minimizing Costs and CO2 Emissionsin ContainerTransport, in Commercial Transport, Proceedings of the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic 2015, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Chapter 10, pp. 159-173, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21266-1_10, print ISBN 978-3-319-21265-4,online ISBN 978-3-319-21266-1, series ISSN 2194-8917 (M13, indexed u WOS -Web of Science)” |
2. | M23 |
Marković Miroslava, Mitić Dragan, Rajković Snežana, Rakonjac Ljubinko, Lučić Aleksandar, Marković Miroslav, Rajković Radoslav (2013): |
3. | M23 |
Radoslav Rajković, Nenad Zrnić, Đorđe Stakić: „Application of a Mathematical Model for Container Transport Flow of Goods: from the Far East to Serbia“, Tehnički vjesnik/Technical Gazette, print ISSN 1330-3651, online ISSN 1848-6339, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2016, pp. 1739-1746, DOI 10.17559/TV-20140629203730(M23, IF 2016 0.723) |
4. | M23 |
Rajković Snežana, Marković Miroslava, Rajković Radoslav, Rakonjac Ljubinko(2013): „Biofungicide Trichodex WP“, International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Vol:7, No:6, pp. 449-453, 2013, waset.org/Publication/8370, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1070765, ISNI:0000000091950263 [email protected] , www.waset.org Published by: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
5. | M23 |
Nataša Tomić-Petrović, Zoran Radmilović, Radoslav Rajković (2019): „Environmental status of the Danube commercial navigation: Serbia and the Danube border countries“. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology. “Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology” <[email protected]></[email protected]> |
6. | M23 |
Rajković Radoslav, Rajković Snežana, Mitić Dragan (2019): ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: REDUCING THE CO2 EMISSIONS IN intermodal TRANSPORT PLANNING. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Parlar Scientific Publications. Volume 29. No 01/2020. Pp. 26-36. ISSN1018-4619 www.psp-parlar.de |
7. | M24 |
Jovanović Predrag, Mitić Dragan, Lebel Aleksandar, Rajković Radoslav (2013): „DISPLAY PROBABILITY OF SYMBOL ERRORS FOR MQAM ON RICIAN FADING CHANNEL BASED ON MGF METHOD“, YUJOR – Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 23, pp 96- 102. DOI: 10.2298/YJOR130128036JAccepted: November 2013, ISSN: 0354-0243, EISSN:2334-6043 Published by: This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. |
8. | M24 |
Rajković Radoslav, Mitić Dragan, Lebl Aleksandar, Rajković Snežana (2019): A Proposed Method for Determining Propulsion Coefficient Based on Testing Motor Freighters on Danube Waterway Network. Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics.Vol. 13,No 1,pp.130-145. ISSN 1820-6530, eISNN 2620-1941. http://www.sscm.kg.ac.rs/jsscm/ |
9. | M33 |
Rajković S., Ratkinić M., Marković M., Rajković R. (2012.): The consequences of changes in groundwater levels in costal areas of the Sava river, ICEIRD 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference for Entrepreneurship Innovation and Regional Development, 678-686. ISBN 978-954-07-3346-3. http://iceird2012.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/ |
10. | M33 |
Maneski T.; Rajković R.; Zrilić M.; Čekovi, I.; 2012. Experimental investigation of polymer container buckling, ICTTE 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, 651-657. ISBN 978-86-916153-0-7. http://www.ijtte.com. |
11. | M33 |
Milošević Miloš, Sedmak Simon, Tatić Uroš, Rajković Radoslav, Perović Jasmina, Mitrović Nenad, Sedmak Aleksandar (2013): „Application of Digital Image Correlation in Dentistry“, DAS 2013: „Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanic“, September 25-28, Primošten, Croatia, Procedings, pp 49-50, ISBN 978-953-7539-17-7 , www.danubia-adria2013.com Published by: CROATIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICS Ivana Lučića 5, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia www.csm.hr |
12. | M33 |
Dragović Branislav, Park Nam-Kyu,Škurić Maja, Kofijac Davorin, Rajković Radoslav (2013): „Operation Research Approach to Port Modelling“, IAME 2013: „International Association of Maritime Economists Conference“,July 3-5, Marseille, France, Procedings. Published by: Euromed Management, IFSTTAR, the University of Genoa, and the University of Naples Parthenope www.iame2013.org |
13. | M33 |
Rajković Snežana, Marković Miroslava, Rajković Radoslav, Rakonjac Ljubinko (2013): „Biofungicide Trichodex WP“, ICAE 2013: „International Conference on Agricurtural Engineering“,June27-28, Paris, France, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 78, june 2013, pp 3014-3018.pISSN 2010-376X, eISSN 2010-3778. Published by: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , www.waset.org |
14. | M33 |
Rajković Snežana, Marković Miroslava, Lučić Aleksandar, Rakonjac Ljubinko, Rajković Radoslav, Mitić Dragan (2013): „Vegard – Botanical Fungicide“, Fourth International Scientific Symposium „AgroSym2013“, Jahorina, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Hercegovina, October 3-6, Book of Procedings, pp 511-516, 10.7251/AGSY1303511R, ISBN 978-99955-751-3-7 , COBISS.BH-ID 3919640, www.agrosym.unssa.rs.ba Published by: Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Mediteranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM – IAMB), Italy, International Society of Environment and Rural Development, Japan, Balkan Environmental Association, B.EN.A, Greece , Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences, Serbia , Maize Research Institute “Zemun Polje”, Serbia, Biotehnical Faculty, University of Montenegro, Montenegro, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Serbia, Balkan Scientific Association of Agricultural Economics, Serbia, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
15. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Stakić Đ. (2014): „Contribution to Optimal Container Flow Routing between Far East and Serbia through selected Adriatic Ports“, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Transport and Logistics „TIL 2014“, Niš, Serbia, 05-06. June 2014, pp. 87-91 ISBN 978-86-6055-053-0, COBISS.SR-ID 207265036. PDF |
16. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Stakić Đ. (2014): „Application of Mathematical Model for Container Transport Flow of Goods: Trade routes from Far East to Serbia, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Logistics „ICIL 2014“, Bol on island Brač, Croatia, 11-13., pp. 75-82, June 2014, ISBN 978-99938-39-46-0. http://icil2014.info/ |
17. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Stakić Đ., Mahnič B. (2014): „The Costs of Container Transport Flow Between Far East and Serbia Using Different Liner Shipping Services“, Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport, Celje, Slovenia, 19-21. June 2014, print ISSN 1854-3332, online ISSN 2232-4968. http://iclst.fl.uni-mb.si/iclst-2014/programme/ |
18. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Čokorilo O., Rajković, S., Stakić, Đ. (2014): „Multi-Objective Container Transport Optimization on Intermodal Networks Based on Mathematical Model”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Trafic and Transport Engineering, Beograd, Serbia, 27-28., November 2014. |
19. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Dragović B., Petranović, M. (2014): „A bi-objective model in conatainer transport”, Proceedings of 14th International Conference “Research and development in meschanical industry“ RaDMI, Topola, Serbia, 18-21, September 2014., pp. 353-360. |
20. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Dragović B., Petranović M. (2014): „Minimising CO2 Emissions in Container Transport Flows”, Proceedings of 14th International Conference, RaDMI, Bar and Kotor, Montenegro, Vol. III, 17-18, November, 2014, pp. 997-1005. |
21. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić. N., Stakić Đ.: Different approaches for minimizing transport costs in intermodal networks, 13th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress-Proceedings, Izmir, Turkey, 22nd-23rd October 2015, pp. 160-167, ISBN 978-605-84194-2-1 (М33) |
22. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Stakić Đ., Sedmak A., Kirin S.: Environmental protection in intermodal networks by minimizing CO2 emission, Proceedings of TEAM 2015, 7thInternational Scientific and Expert Conference ofthe International TEAM Society 15–16thOctober 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 274-278, ISBN 978-86-7083-877-2(М33) |
23. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Stakić Đ., Sedmak A., Kirin S.: An approach to determine optimal number of containers for cargo stacking in function of transportation cost, Proceedings -6thInternational Symposium on Industrial Engineering -SIE 2015, 24th-25thSeptember 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 300-303, ISBN 978-86-7083-864-2(М33) |
24. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Dragović B., Stakić Đ.: Multi-criteria decision making methods in container transport, XXIInternational conference on material handling constructions and logistics –MHCL ‘15, September 23-25, 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp. 289-294, ISBN 978-86-7083-863-5(М33) |
25. | M33 |
Đorđe Stakić, Radoslav Rajković, Dušan Tošić, Nenad Zrnić: Evaluation of Pareto Optimal Solutions in Intermodal Networks, 42nd International Symposium onOperations Research -Proceedings, SYM-OP-IS 2015, September 15-18, 2015, Srebrno jezero, Serbia, pp. 319-322, ISBN 978-86-80593-55-5(М33) |
26. | M33 |
Rajković R., Zrnić N., Stakić Đ., Bojić S.: „Analysis and algorithms for container loading-routing problem from China main ports to Balkan region concerning Belgrade as new hub“, Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics „MHCL 2017“, Belgrade, Serbia, 04-06. October 2017. http://www.mhcl.info/activities/submitted-abstracts/293-analysis-and-algorithms-for-container-loading-routing-problem-from-china-main-ports-to-balkan-region-concerning-belgrade-as-new-hub |
27. | M33 |
Stakić Đ., Rajković R., Zrnić N., Dragović B., Bojić S.: „ Impact of carbon dioxide emissions in container transport“, Proceeding of the Second-Part-of-the-Special-Session-E-Maritime-and-Port-Logistics-of-the-International-Conference- MHCL, Bar, Montenegro, November 2017. http://www.marina-bar.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Program-of-the-Second-Part-of-the-Special-Session-E-Maritime-and-Port-Logistics-of-the-International-Conference-MHCL-2017.pdf |
28. | M33 |
Stakić, Đ., Živković, M., Anokić, A., Rajković, R.: „Solving the problem of packing packages in the containers with limitation of the mass and the volume by VNS method“, Proceedings of the XLV Simposium on Operational Research SYM-OP-IS 2018. 16-18 Septembar, Zlatibor 2018. |
29. | M34 |
Rajković Snežana, Rakonjac Ljubinko, Lavadinović Vera, Rajković Radoslav, Mitić Dragan (2013): „Examinations of efficacy of Agrosept in vitro”. International Scientific Conference, Forest Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 85th Anniversary, Bulgaria, Sofia , 1-2 October 2013. Book of abstracts, pp. 81- 82. Published by: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , Forest Research Institute, BAS , International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) 5 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Executive Forest Agency University of Forestry Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions (FSTU) S. T. Union of Forestry (STUF) Union of Scientists in Bulgaria Section Forest Science www.bas.bg/fce/001/…/FRI85_programme.pdf |
30. | M34 |
Rajković R., Stakić, Đ. (2014): “Application of a mathematical model: multi-criteria optimization in container transport”, Symposium MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, October 17-18, 2014, Book of Abstracts, Volume 5 (1), pp. 38. |
31. | M34 |
Rajković S., Marković M., Rajković R., Mitić D, Rakonjac Lj., Lučić A. (2014): „Foliar Injury of Ozone – Level II – Monitoring Plot“, 5th International Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2014″, Jahorina, 23-26 October 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts, pp. 108. www.agrosym.rs.ba |
32. | M34 |
Rajković S., Marković M., Rajković R., Mitić D, Rakonjac Lj., Lučić A. (2014): “Application of biofungicides in order to prevent global ecoproblems”, International Scientific Conference: “Ecological Improvement of devasted Sites for Sustainable development”, Belgrade, Serbia, 29-30 september 2014, Book of Abstracts, pp 36. Organizer: Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura, Singidunum University Co-organizers: The Union of Ecologists UNESCO, Green Chamber of Serbia, Publisher: Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura, Belgrade www.furura.edu.rs |
33. | M34 |
Rajković S., Marković M., Rajković R., Mitić D, Rakonjac Lj., Lučić A. (2014): “Damage Assesement of Assimilation Organs against Ozone“, III International Symposium and XIX Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska, Trebinje, Bosnia and Hercegovina, March 25-28, Poster Session VII-12, Book of Abstracts, pp 405. ISBN 978-99938-93-27-1. [Elektronski izvor] / elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM). Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1a, 78000 Banja Luka, RS-BiH. |
34. | M52 |
Mitić Dragan, Lebel Aleksandar, Rajković Radoslav (2013): „ERROR PROBABILITIES IN A CHANNEL BASED ON MGF METHOD USING RICIAN FADING FOR MPSK“, Tehnika, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp 1089-1095. ISSN: 0040-2176 UDC: 621 – 391 Published by: Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia http://www.sits.org.rs/textview.php?file=casopisi.html |
35. | M52 |
Marković M., Rajković S., Rajković R. (2012): “Analysis of the impact of injuries caused by the influence of mechanical and abiotic factors on the occurrence of harmful fungal organisms”, Sustainable Forestry, Tom 65-66, pp 97-102, ISSN 1821-1046 , UDK 630. Publisher: Institute of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia http://www.forest.org.rs |
36. | M70 |
Rajković R.: “Multi-criteria decision-making in container transport”, 07/03/2018, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. |